
From Earn2Life Wiki: Money-Making in Second Life

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Basic Wiki syntax

Description You type You get
Applies anywhere
Italic Writing



Bold text



Bold and italic

'''''bold & italic'''''

bold & italic

Internal link

(within SLwiki)

[[name of page]]
[[name of page|display text]]
[[#Editing Help|anchor link text]]

name of page
display text
anchor link text

Redirect to another page

#redirect [[Target page]]

1. redirect Target page

External link

(to other websites)

[ display text]

display text

Sign your posts
on talk pages


Username 01:52,
9 March 2025 (UTC)

Don't interpret text

<!--an embedded comment-->
<nowiki><!--an embedded comment--></nowiki>

<!--an embedded comment-->

Applies only at the beginning of the line

of different sizes

==level 1==
===level 2===
====level 3====
=====level 4=====

Headings of different levels.

Horizontal rule


Bulleted list

* list item a
* list item b
** list sub-item
* list item c

  • list item a
  • list item b
    • list sub-item
  • list item c
Numbered list

# first list item
# second list item
## sub-item
# third list item

  1. first list item
  2. second list item
    1. sub-item
  3. third list item
Mixture of bulleted
and numbered lists

* list item X
* list item Y
*# first sub-item
*# second sub-item
* list item Z

  • list item X
  • list item Y
    1. first sub-item
    2. second sub-item
  • list item Z

;Technical Term
: Definition 1
: Definition 2

Technical Term
Definition 1
Definition 2

: italicized text (indented)
::* List item A (indented)
:# First List Item (indented)
:;Technical Term (indented)

italicized text (indented)
  • List item A (indented)
  1. First List Item (indented)
Technical Term (indented)
Thumbnail image

[[Image:Wiki.png|thumb|Caption text]]